Friday, June 29, 2012

Support Letter

So, I have just finished my fourth and final year of undergraduate school at Mercer University. The Lord has been so faithful! He is doing wonderful things and I know that He will continue to be faithful to finish the good work He has started in me, especially in the journey that I am about to embark on.

At the beginning of this calendar year I found out that I would be able to graduate from Mercer University a semester early.  Even though I was planning to graduate December 2012, I still would not be able to begin graduate school until the fall of 2013.  So I began to search for a short-term program that would allow me to serve abroad until school started again.  In March I found out about a program called the Total Immersion Program (TIP) through the Educational Services Exchange with China (ESEC).  This program would allow me to serve others by teaching English at the University of Beijing in Beijing, China.  The program involves a partnership of Christian leaders and the Chinese government to help educate students of varying ages and expand on their knowledge of the English language. After I finish my last semester, God has given me to the opportunity to go to China to join Him in His work there.

This June I received one of the best birthday gifts ever, and I was accepted into the TIP program!  I have been invited to stay in Beijing and teach in the program from February to July of 2013, and I will be home in time to attend graduate school that fall.  Visiting China has always been a dream of mine, and being able to serve there makes this opportunity more than I ever could have hoped for.  As a young girl, I always had a desire to teach.  Throughout my years in school, my English teachers left a lasting impact on me, and I wanted to follow in their footsteps to help others as well.  However, when I entered college, I decided to major in Psychology, another passion of mine.  After switching directions, I never dreamed that I would have an opportunity like this to teach English in a Christian environment to students who desire to learn English and need to hear the Gospel. 

On February 20, I will leave for Beijing, to return on July 31.  Since I will be serving in China for six months, the program will provide housing as well as a monthly stipend.  This is such a blessing, as I would not be able to participate in the program without financial assistance.  However, since I am not serving the typical year-long period, I will not be eligible to be reimbursed for the cost of travel, which is a significant financial obligation.  This means that I will be responsible for raising the money to off-set the cost of travel.

I am excited about this opportunity to serve, teach, and minister, and I would like to humbly ask you to join me in this ministry in any way that you can.  I am seeking your support as well as your prayers for this trip.  I also plan to update my blog regularly over the course of my time in China to record and share my experience with you! However, I have moved to /div>
Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.  I truly could not do this without your continued support over the years, and I am forever grateful!

Thankfully yours,
Jessica Walker

Monday, June 25, 2012

New blog

Please visit my new blog at!